There is a beautiful adobe fence enclosing the East, and North, and West sides of
the Cook Compound. Along the outer portion were niches that were used at Christmas
for Luminaries.
Dave, I looked at all of the neat pix , of the Church, The one with Lincoln, and Wayne, and Gene is great, brings back lots of memories to me. Another part of the surprise you mention, is the part about my Dad Big Bill giving you the advice you had requested, he was a great guy, and helped many people who really needed help, he did this and never boasted of it, or even told anyone of some of these deeds, and favors, he just did these things, in a way that gave the recipient the feeling that what he had received was a sincere gift, and that it came from his heart from one human being to another, with no strings, or be holdings attached. I thought the world of my Dad, and Mom, and all of my family, and I think of them a lot even now, as I do many of my friends.
Also The Chambon Hotel, Later the Park Hotel ( Clyde Stauder),we used to drop several papers off there, and Mr. Stauder was a real gentleman, in that he never complained about anything, and always paid right on time, and acted like he was glad to do it, I always liked him, some of the other customers were not so kind, as you know.
I remember Doc Herman, and son Guy Herman hanging around the Park Confectionery, as well as Jimmy Stackpole, Gilbert Stapelton, etc. these folks were much older than us, so I didn't know them except on sight. Mrs. Eanes was the prop., I also remember Sherman Ingram working there, I think one of Buddy Greens sisters also worked there,
I think her name was Elizabeth, a really pretty girl, she may have been the attraction for most of the guys that came in there too, but I think Sherman won out, as I think he married her. They served fountain stuff, and also light meals, they always had a punch board or two, if one was inclined to gamble a little, I lost a few nickels on this on occasion, didn't win much either, so I learned early on that it is better to toil for one's funding.
Do you remember Fred Downs? he passed away a couple years ago, he went to jewelers school in Flagstaff, Az, and met a girl there that married him, they moved to Elgin, ILL., many years ago, there were two children. Fred kept in touch over the years, and visited here a couple times, and brought Peggy, his wife. Fred and I always felt
there was a good bond of friendship and I did everything to remain friends with him
after he moved away, he was a friend.
Dave Thank you for the kind things you say, and print. more later, Bill
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